Written by KomoDeFi Editorial Team on October 22, 2021

Tokel Development -NSPV Updated to Full Nodes


We kindly ask that everybody that is running a Tokel full node (including Notary Nodes), please update their nodes with the latest code. These updates are not hard forking changes, but they are required for nSPV to provide the information for our token wallet (and subsequent dapp features) to work correctly. Along with some nSPV changes, we have also enabled nodes to identify time-locked transactions, created customized tokeld and tokel-cli commands for people to use, and changed what were previously 'cc addresses' to 'cc index keys', meaning they will have a 'C' prefixing them instead of what was an 'R' and could be confused with a users coin address. A full list of updates can be found in GitHub and summarised below.

- added 'requestId' field into nSPV protocol v5 messages to provide multiple endpoints in the nSPV client app
- better error handling in nSPV protocol v5
- bitgo-kmd javascript library updated for nSPV protocol v5
- Build of customised tokeld, tokel-cli binaries (Tokel chain params are passed in configure)
- nspv maxrecords param added to listunspent, listtransactions
- missing cs_main locks fixed in nspv
- nspv rate limiter allows N req/sec
- new gettransactionsmany nspv method
- new C-prefix added for cc index keys (former 'cc addresses')
- added support for CLTV transactions to the daemon wallet and nSPV protocol


If you need assistance setting-up or updating your node, please follow the first few steps in this how-to guide. If you have any issues, please let us know in the tokel-development channel



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