Written by KomoDeFi Editorial Team on October 11, 2021

Verus Release - Support for the bidirectional Ethereum bridge (Test net)

@everyone Announcing the immediate availability of GUI and CLI for all platforms of the NON-MANDATORY, RECOMMENDED v0.8.0 UPDATE.

This release is mandatory for those who want to use the testnet, which will be reset as of v0.8.0.

Updates include:

  1. 1. Testnet reset with fixes for all reported PBaaS, DeFi, and advanced VerusID user issues. If you had reported issues, please verify that the issues you reported are addressed in this release.
  2. Support for the bidirectional Ethereum gateway/bridge, which has been testing on private networks and which we hope to launch on public testnet in the next day or two after confirming it on the release testing network with community testing contributors.
  3. . Support for the new getvdxfid RPC call, used along with your ID and published names to generate VDXF (Verus Data eXchange Format) keys, which community members used to create the world’s first self-sovereign, completely decentralized, rent-free, non-cancelable social media profiles, such as this one: https://luckpool.net/profile/identity/mike. Work is underway to document the VDXF keys defined and used for profiles as well as the process of setting up your own. While the capability is already extremely powerful, we should remind everyone that Verus is a platform, not a social network. The core technology is exciting, but what will be even more exciting is when businesses and entrepreneurs leverage it to enable new, self-sovereign user experiences, applications, and new business models to build the future, truly decentralized web
  4. Fix for the Electron certificate issue in the GUI wallet, which has been affecting prices and preventing BTC fee calculation.
  5. Support for some additional, popular ERC20 currencies, in anticipation of more usage after release of the ETH bridge.
  6. Fix in GUI for calculated balances of specific addresses sometimes showing lower than actual, even though wallet balance displayed correctly.
  7. Additional hardening, fixes and improvement focused on mainnet and the Ethereum bridge.

To reset your testnet make sure Verus is closed (and no testnet daemon running) and delete the following directories, then restart the testnet daemon (or relaunch Verus Desktop, deactivate verustest and re-add verustest native): Linux: ~/.Komodo/vrsctest, ~/.verustest Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/Komodo/VRSC, ~/Library/Application\ Support/VerusTest Windows 10: %AppData%\Roaming\Komodo\VRSC\, %AppData%\Roaming\VerusTest or %AppData%\Komodo\VRSC\, %AppData%\Roaming\VerusTest

CLI: https://github.com/VerusCoin/VerusCoin/releases/tag/v0.8.0

GUI: https://github.com/VerusCoin/Verus-Desktop/releases/tag/v0.8.0


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