Today we are using the Kyber Swap website to exchange some ETH to BAT using the built in crypto wallet of the Opera Touch browser on iPad. The Opera browser provides seamless integration between tokens and the browsing experience. Using crypto is easier than sending an email, and swapping between tokens using the Kyber Network liquidity is nearly instant.
The only recommendation we can make is to reduce the gas fee so it costs less to exchange.
For this guide, we left the gas fee as the default setting of fast.
Kyber Swap is part of the Kyber Network suite of integrations enabled by their unique approach to providing liquidity to traders. The short explanation of what Kyber provides is application developers have a choice of what kind of liquidity pool they can integrate with to give their users the best user experience for trading tokens.
Kyber Swap is an instant exchange using smart contracts to facilitate quick trades on the Ethereum network.
Now, let’s walk through BAT/ETH trade on our iPad using Opera Touch.
After allowing the browser’s built in crypto wallet to be used on the exchange, its as simple as selecting the tokens to use for trade, pressing the swap now button & confirming to proceed with the order.
For the first time of using this, we did not explore the advanced options to reduce our gas fee.
Transaction fee measured in ETH, not noob friendly at this stage.
Opera Touch then asks you to confirm sending by prompting you with an attractive slide up notification. The iPad security model then prompts for your passcode to send the funds.
Opera Touch provides an approximate fiat value - very user friendly!
Opera Touch integrated crypto wallet uses Apples security model too.
The transaction is then broadcast to the network by the Kyber Swap exchange. All transactions are settled on the blockchain via smart contracts. When the transaction has been mined into a block, the result is displayed on the screen.
Kyber Swap broadcasting the transaction to the Ethereum network
Swap is complete
From the result display, Kyber Swap enables you to make another instant swap or transfer tokens to another address with the built in wallet integration of Opera Touch. For now, we just close the results status display and proceed to the crypto wallet to view the tokens Kyber Swap let us exchange.
Easily view your crypto wallet with Opera Touch menu
Tokens from the Kyber Swap exchange displayed in Opera Touch crypto wallet