The easiest way to make money with AtomicDEX is by market-making for different assets. Providing liquidity invites risks one of such is impartial losses, however, there is one way to make risk-free profits by market-making for stable coin pairs in AtomicDEX.
AtomicDex recently took it on another level and integrated 13 new blockchains in the last application update to v 0.5.4 Beta. Adex users can now store, send, receive and trade these coins and their tokens within AtomicDex.
This exposes users to more stable coin trading pairs as tons of different stable coins come in to play with these blockchains, some are native while most are pegged versions of stable coins from other blockchains.
Different protocols have their own versions of stable coins, mostly protocols that are EVM capable, and use pegged tokens to bridge tokens from other blockchains as their own in their native blockchain.
These tokens will use the primary coin of their respective blockchains for a gas fee such as BNB for BUSD on the Binance smart chain, or Ethereum if it is BUSD-ERC-20 the Ethereum version of the Binance USD stable coin.
That is all needed to make money with AtomicDEX, the profit ratio is lesser but tamed for day traders, or enthusiast.