Written by KomoDeFi Editorial Team on March 23, 2023

Stake Based Voting System & Alternatives

Recently I was accused of analyzing a behaviour in a stake based voting system and ignoring some other activities, which are unknown to me - but I can imagine that some larger beneficiaries of the system (whales) are voting in a particular way. This led me to find what alternative voting systems existed. Most commonly voted on elections are a plurality based system, which is where the winner does not have more than 50% of votes, because there are many candidates. Currently in the komodo project, there is a simple 2 preference vote (yes or no) for effectively removing an inflationary aspect to the system.

cartoon of a whale voting at a booth
whale voting at a booth with a sneaky grin (midjourney prompt)

Stake Based Voting

Stake-based voting is a system of governance used in decentralized networks. It ensures that decisions made within the network are based on what's most beneficial for the community as a whole. A stakeholder is someone who has invested in or has some sort of ownership in the project. Stakeholders are given the right to vote on decisions related to the network, depending on how much they have invested or staked.

Stake-based voting is a type of voting system that uses tokens or coins as an indicator for one's voting power. It allows individuals to contribute funds to projects, organizations, or initiatives in order to vote on them. In this system, the more money a person contributes, the more influence they have over the outcome of the vote.

There are other types of voting systems that can be used in place of stake-based voting. These include: priority voting, approval voting, range voting, and instant runoff voting. Each of these methods differs from stake-based voting in terms of how votes are counted and weighted.

Priority Voting

Priority voting involves assigning numerical values to choices in order to decide which is most important. This type of system allows voters to express how strongly they feel about each option by assigning different weights or priorities depending on their opinion.

Approval, Range & Instant Run-off Voting

Approval Voting is another alternative that allows voters to select multiple options and cast their ballots accordingly. Range Voting is a method where each voter assigns a score between 0 and 10 for each option being voted on. The scores are then totaled up and the highest scoring option wins the election. Instant Runoff Voting is similar but uses ranked preferences instead of scores; whichever option has the most number one votes wins the election regardless of total scores.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Voting

Stake based voting is a form of decision-making used within decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). But, there are other methods that can be used as well. One such method is reputation-based voting. This method relies on participants’ trustworthiness and reputation in order to determine their vote weight. The more trust the participant has from the community, the larger their vote weight will be. Another alternative is token-based voting. This system allows users to earn tokens by contributing to the network and those tokens are then used to cast votes. Additionally, token holders can also receive rewards for participating in the network’s governance decisions.

Another alternative is smart contract-based voting systems. This type of system uses smart contracts which are programmed with specific conditions that must be met before a vote can happen. This ensures that all participants understand the rules of how decisions will be made and helps reduce potential manipulation of votes or fraud. Finally, some DAOs use a combination of different voting systems in order to achieve consensus within their organization. By combining different types of voting systems, DAOs are able to create more robust decision-making processes which ultimately leads to better governance outcomes for their organization.

Alternative Voting Systems

Without going into too much detail in this one blog post, here is a list of other voting systems:

  • Reputation-Based Voting Systems
  • Delegated Voting Systems
  • Liquid Democracy Systems
  • Quadratic Voting System
  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Voting Systems
  • Prediction Market-Based Systems
  • Condorcet Method
  • Borda Counting System

Voting System Considerations

Simply calling an election or some other governance proposal is one thing, but further considerations of a voting community can include:

  • What Are The Pros And Cons Of Each Voting System
  • What Is The Most Secure Voting System
  • How User-Friendly Are The Different Voting Systems
  • What Is The Cost To Implement A Specific Voting System
  • What Are The Legal Implications Of Using A Particular Voting System


There are numerous alternatives to stake-based voting. Each has its own merits and drawbacks. When it comes to security, blockchain technologies are in a class of their own. They can provide secure, verifiable voting solutions for a variety of applications. User-friendliness is another important factor when choosing a voting system. Some systems require more technical expertise than others, so it's important to consider the resources available

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