Written by KomoDeFi Editorial Team on April 11, 2021

Verus Release - Mobile v0.2.1 (Beta) with Private Addresses

Announcing Verus Mobile 0.2.1-beta with Z-addresses*, Multi-chain ID Shortcuts, and Complete UI Redesign

@everyone Announcing the new Verus Mobile, now with private address support. Private addresses, also known as z-addresses can be entered both as direct z-addresses using copy/paste, or even using the friendly names, private addresses based on VerusIDs, like name@:private. Send funds, encrypted messages, and more, mobile to mobile with privacy protected by Verus zk-SNARKs. We have done a lot of work (thanks @michaeltoutjr, @Asher, @Max@ - greenverus.com, @Diesmaster, @VirtualSoundNW, and others!) to improve lite z-address performance/scale, and we expect to soon support other zk-SNARK capable blockchains as well. Z-addresses are also now included in payment requests, addresses, and invoices presented as VerusPay QR codes.

In addition to z-address support, the new Verus Mobile includes a complete UI redesign, with a new concept called “cards”. With cards, you can hold one currency across multiple cards in Verus mobile, and a card can represent transparent addresses, z-addresses, IDs, or in the future when Verus Mobile is white-labeled or co-branded and released by companies like Valu, centralized insured accounts, and even virtual debit/credit cards. Many screens and interactions across Verus Mobile have been redesigned as well.

Finally, the new Verus Mobile supports ID shortcuts, which is not yet full VerusID support but treats the Verus blockchain the same as it will continue to treat other blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Zcash, Komodo, and others, once full VerusID capabilities are supported. If you enable the feature in settings, you will be able to send currency to the transparent primary address of a unisig friendly name ID or the private address of any VerusID, simply by entering the idname@ or idname@:private. In an upcoming release, when Verus Mobile supports full VerusID capabilities, attestations, and the ability to sign and prove attestations on mobile, it will continue to support ID lookup for non-Verus, non-PBaaS blockchains.

We hope you enjoy the new Verus Mobile! We are continuing to run the new release of Verus PBaaS and DeFi through its paces, which is going well in private testing, with public testnet release expected very, very SOON(™️)

! *Z-address support is for iOS only at first

For Android download: https://github.com/VerusCoin/Verus-Mobile/releases/tag/v0.2.1-beta

It looks like the Apple iOS release is still under some form of review and v0.2.1 should be available shortly.


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